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Milestone Achieved! Our Largest Armorers Course to Date.

Breaking barriers, forging futures. Celebrating a monumental milestone as we surpass our largest armorer’s course to date. Here’s to the dedicated craftsmanship and relentless pursuit of excellence by both students and instructors alike!

37 students must be a record. 6” of snow in the morning to clear off the truck was just the last in a series of plot twists in getting this one finished.
But… we still killed it.



“Pittston Police Department hosted a Sons Of Liberty Gun Works AR15 Armorers Course, which I had the privilege to attend as part of a Green Ops instructor development. I learned piece by piece why their high quality rifles are one of the finest in the industry and used by many professionals.

This course was also one of the most highly detailed armorers course I have taken. A big thank you to the very knowledgeable SOLGW instructors and armorers. They made sure we understood the materials and gave one on one assistance. Also a big thanks to Master Armorer, Army veteran, writer and competition shooter, Stephanie Martz, who made sure I didn’t miss any details and coached me with some great pro tips.” – Max B of Green Ops Training

Click for Upcoming Armorers Course