You must contact your local FFL and have them send a copy of their FFL to with your name and order number in the subject line. Failure to do so will result in items not shipping.

Sons of Liberty Gun Works to Participate in Las Vegas Metro Range Day

13 January 2023 – San Antonio TX – Sons of Liberty Gun Works, a superior manufacturer of high quality, hard-use, direct impingement firearms; is pleased to announce our participation in the Las Vegas Metro Range Day on Monday, January 16th, 2023, in Las Vegas, NV. With supported efforts by their premier dealer, Freedom Firearms / Freedom Trading Co.

LVMPD Range Day 2023

SOLGW is the only manufacturer that offers the “Duty Use Replacement Program”. If a duly sworn law enforcement officer uses either their personally owned or department-issued Sons of Liberty Gun Works firearm, in the course of their official duties and is without it for any reason including evidentiary procedures; Sons of Liberty Gun Works will provide that officer/agency with an equivalent loaner until such time as the solely owned/issued weapon is returned by the investigating authority.

For more information:

Freedom Firearms / Freedom Trading Co:

Sons of Liberty Gun Works: