Please choose from the variety of spring strengths based upon your needs. All springs are ASTM Grade A877 Certified Valve Quality Chrome silicon Wirestock, Heat Treated, Stress Relieved and Dual Stage Shot-Peened post winding, then plated with Re-Micronized Molybdenum Disulfide.
Select from the following color coded strength options
YELLOW – Approximately 20% reduced power – for NLTA use or under-gassed firearms.
WHITE – standard “milspec” power. Same strength as a traditional carbine spring.
WHITE/RED – Aka WHITE HOT – between White and Blue in strength.
BLUE – Enhanced Power, roughly 15% stronger than Milspec/WHITE.
RED – Extra Power, roughly 25% extra strength, typically for Large Frame, PCC or large bore calibers.
ORANGE – EXTRA EXTRA Power, strong than RED, for large frame and severely over-gassed uses only.